About Chief Secretary’s Office

Chief Secretary’s office is the Key Organization of provincial council. His Excellency the President of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka appoints the Chief Secretary. who is the chief executive officer of the Western Province.

Administration, planning and financing are main subjects and any other functions regarding provincial council are supervised by Chief Secretary. All policies and guidelines relevant to provincial council are formulated by the Chief Secretary’s Office.

Objectives and Functions

  • Performance of Administrative functions and responsibilities in the exercise of powers vested in the provincial council in terms of the 13th amendment to the constitution of Sri lanka.
  • Formulation and effective implementation of Annual Development Programme of local nature in pursuance of the objectives of national development policy.
  • Preparation of annual budget, financial control and policy direction for utilization of financial resources, introduction of accounting procedures and extension of the functions and responsibilities in the capacity of a Provincial Treasury.
  • To provide for the effective functioning of an internal audit unit to ensure the auditing of accounting and establishment procedure adopted by the respective departments coming under the Provincial Council.
  • Provision of assistance to carry out the duties and functions of the Western Province Public Service Commission. Formulation and implementation of programs for training the staff of Provincial Council.

    Details of Western Province